Kruger Media
You are the best Agency we ever worked with!
Kathleen Van Nest Pierce - Vice President, Digital Marketing | Esteé Lauder
What You did is Amazing!
Seema Alibhai, Senior Director Of Corporate Communications | Viacom
Be it with cool and exciting events, announcements or day to day growth management - Michael and the Kruger Media team were always on call to challenge us and beat accepted expectations. We always had total trust in their advice and counsel and would not hesitate to recommend them.
Nic Jones, EVP | Vevo
Michael is in tune with the current PR platforms and able to get the best reach with communication campaigns. I warmly recommend anyone who is thinking about employing Michael and Kruger Media.
Peter van Satzger - PR Director of Northern Europe | Viacom
Sie machen das seit Jahren toll und begeistern uns mit jedem weiteren Projekt aufs Neue. Kreativ, Redegewandt, Umtriebig, Gescheit, Empathisch und wenn nötig Radikal sind sie, die KRUGERs. Wir sagen Danke für die zahlreichen Jahre der guten Zusammenarbeit!
Martin Blickhan, Vice President Consumer PR | RTL2
A very fun and creative solution for press interviews. I like.
Mariah Carey | @ THE DOME